3rd Week of Full Control
I ended my three weeks of full control feeling very positive and confident as a teacher. We ended our class novel on Monday and began doing more exciting activities with Charlotte’s Web. My favorite part of this week was the Charlotte’s Web class play that the students performed as a Reader’s Theatre, I had the chance to see a different personality and creative side to my students. The children loved acting as the characters and putting the novel to real life. It is amazing how much the students respect me as a teacher. I have started receiving gifts already! Yet, I still have two more weeks at Point View Primary. Students have been brining in fudge, mince pies and beautiful cards. I feel very appreciated and loved by all the students.
Charlotte's Web Reading Theatre
Fern is sitting on the stool and wilbur is in the corner eating out of the trough!

Jane has totally backed away from the classroom teaching. It feels good to have total control of the class without any additional help from Jane. I have used this week to experiment different teaching styles and positive reinforcement strategies. I allowed the students to design their own seating arrangement this week to recognize their excellent behavior this term. It was a little chaotic and risky but the students loved this chance to sit in a different spot. For example, students who always have to sit in the front enjoyed getting the opportunity to sit in the back of the room.
I am learning to make quick decisions with altering lessons depending on students’ knowledge and skills. For example, on Monday I realized that students needed more time to practice reading the clock and allowed students to pair up and practice with a partner. I completed and finished my whole assessment on measurement and time. After finishing this week I feel more confident about teaching mathematics.
Teaching Time and Measurement

Teaching writing workshop is another area of teaching I have really been trying to improve in over my weeks of full control. I am learning from my mistakes and building on new knowledge. This week I really learned how important it is for the students to have knee-to-knee time with a partner. This means they can talk to their partner about what they will write about during writing time. I am learning that writing is a process and may takes a few days to publish one piece of writing. I feel that prior to this experience I thought that I must start a new writing topic each day, however, now I understand that publishing writing assignments is a gradual process.
Bella and Georgia showing off their wacky hair/hat!!

We had wacky hair and hat day on Friday. It was a fun way to end the term and the children all had creative hairstyles and funky hats.
Zoe showing off her wacky pink wig!

Guy and Zac showing off their winning hair styles!

Over my past week of full control I have noticed that I have started bringing world events and personal experiences into the classroom learning. I now appreciate the value of discussion-based learning. This also involves children using graphic organizers and thinking activities. There is a greater focus on what students know and what they want to know. The children lead the learning, and the teachers’ role is to get alongside the students in support of their pursuit of knowledge. I have also learned how to implement formative assessment techniques in which the teacher assesses during the teaching with the students through reflective evaluations. I hope to bring this way of teaching into my own future classroom.
As I reflect on my three weeks of full control. I must say my personal philosophy of education has not really changed. Instead I have found my own unique style as a teacher using all the ideas and skills I have gained over the past four years of study. However due to this experience I have changed from curriculum-based teaching to child-centered learning.
Food of the Day: Shrewsbury Cookie Bear cookies, custard slice, ham quiche, pear slice, Anzac cookies and Arnotts Nice biscuits
Away from teaching side of things---
On Thursday night Jane and I went shopping and then went to her house for hot tea and Anzac cookies. On Friday a few teachers and I went to a local restaurant and caught up on things and discussed everyones plans for the holidays. I am on a two week break from teaching and leaving in the morning to go to the South Island for 2 full weeks! I will update my blog on the 17th of July! I am backpacking across the South Island and staying in Hostels each night. I am so excited and nervous about being away from everything I know in New Zealand for two weeks. I fly to Christchurch tomorrow and from there I go to Westport, Mahinapua, Franz Josef, Wanaka, Queenstown (3 nights), Milford Sound, Christchurch, Kaikoura, Picton and then Wellington were I will then fly back to Auckland on the 17th of July! Since I am not taking my laptop I will journal throughout my trip and update my blog when I return on Saturday, July the 17th. Keep me in your prays for safe travels as I journey to the icy glaciers in the South Island of New Zealand.
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