Week 9 July 19th-23rd
Observation Week
On Monday I observed a decile1 school, Dawson Primary school in Auckland NZ. It was only ten minutes away from Point View Primary School and yet it was drastically different. The environment and feel was depressing and the school looked very dirty when compared to Point View Primary. Technology is not as prominent at Dawson Primary and the school receives more funding from the government than Point View.
I quickly noticed that the students did not wear uniforms. It is unreal how much of a difference this makes in the classroom and school environment. It is funny how before I started my practicum at Point View I had never been at a school with uniforms. However, now I can’t imagine it any different. It is funny how uniforms give a school a sense of togetherness and a clean-look.
Dawson Primary was a reality check for me. I felt like I was back in America, with the hallways and closed doors. This observation helped me realize just how much I have learned over the past 8 weeks of teaching. Simply stepping out of Point View Primary School and into a decile1 school was eye opening. Also seeing a different teaching style was very interesting. It was almost like stepping back and seeing the type of teacher that I was before my final practicum in New Zealand. Observing other teaching styles helped me see the style of teacher that I have developed into over the past few months. I can honestly say that by stepping out of my comfort zone, I found my self and personal beliefs as a teacher. I believe a positive learning environment is essential for my future students and I.
On Tuesday I had the chance to observe another school in the area, Mission Heights. Mission Heights is decile 10 and is very modern. It is a 21st century school and everything is technology based. Again the school was very different than either of the two New Zealand schools. I observed year 4, 5 and 6 classrooms. Mission Heights goes all the way from Kindergarten until students are 18 and ready for the University. This is very unusual in New Zealand-most students have to go to three different schools before they are ready for the University. Mission Heights is a huge, and full of a variety of different ethnicities and cultures. I honestly felt like I was at the hospital instead of at school.
We then returned back to Point View by morning teatime. Jane gave me the opportunity to observe other teachers at the school until noon. After lunch I shared my adventures in the South Island with my students. Then we formed a circle and everyone shared something interesting from the holidays. It was exciting to be back with my students again! After circle news we all went to the assembly hall and had gymnastics. The students loved rolling, flipping and balancing.
Yes, we had lunch at a Plant Barn-Greenhouse!

On Wednesday I had the opportunity to observe a year 2 classroom at Point View School. This was an awesome experience because I have yet to observe a three-day writing program with ability grouping. I noticed that with grouping the teacher is better able to help each student’s individual needs. However, it is essential that you have a few volunteers or teacher aids to make this writing process successful. Since I have only seen whole class writing this was very beneficial. Ms. Brunning, the teacher I observed was also a great model of positive reinforcement. It was great to compare and contrast the different grade level as well.
I then observed a year 4 Class on guided silent reading. It was good to see a different level and different reading program. All students were constantly reading at all times, I found it interesting that the teacher worked with three different groups in only 45 minutes. It was a very different style of teaching that what I am use to, however, it was great to see a change. I also like how in Year 4 students are better able to express their knowledge orally. At the end of the reading program the teacher gave the students a chance to reflect and share what they learned with the whole class.
Weekly Zumba Exercise After School

I am constantly being introduced to different teaching styles and changes. I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to observe a variety of classrooms and grade levels. I am striving to compile all the different styles, techniques and strategies that I love and use them in my own future classroom. I have been introduced to so many great ideas. I can’t wait to put them alive.
Away from teaching side of things…
It was great to be back in Auckland this week. I caught up with Jane a few night after school. On Wednesday night I went with Jane to a show at the theatre. Thursday night I went out with Jane and a few of her friends to a Japanese restaurant at Half Moon Bay. The sushi was so good; this was my first sushi experience in NZ so it was exciting! Friday, we went to Howick with a few of the teachers after school. Jane and I then went shopping for a few going away presents for my family. I then left for a short weekend trip in Sydney, Australia.
Food of the Day: Tim Tam trumpet Ice Cream, Jelly Tip Ice Cream, Sushi/Japanese and Oysters (New Zealand style), Mellow Puffs, Memphis Meltdown Big Bikkie
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