The Museum was full of lots of information on the wonderful and unique life on the islands of New Zealand. The museum was divided into galleries. The first gallery was about the origins and the story of the country's beginning. The next two galleries were about land and ocean taking the students on a topographical journey from mountain top down to the shore and out to the sea. One gallery was about Volcanoes and even allowed students to experience a pretend volcano eruption. It was a little scary, I must say. The last gallery was about fossils and dinosaurs.
The very rare kiwi bird

Well, today was my first day as Miss. Burton as the teacher, fully in charge and in control of the 26 students of room 15. It was a great success and an awesome experience for me. I have learned so much over the past few weeks, but actually being in charge of 26 excited students in a museum was quite a learning experience. I have learned that parent help is an essential with whole day class field trips. The parents that Jane and I picked to help out with the field trip were exceptional, there were four parents plus Jane and I. The four parents already knew all the students name through volunteering in the classroom over the past few months so they were great help.
The whole class in the Auckland Museum!!

My beautiful group of five students that I took around the Museum today we called ourselves the Discoverers

We also visited a dinosaur exposition in a classroom taught by a Museum Educator. The session was a hands-on session where students had the opportunity to handle rock collections, fossils, lava bombs etc....The students at Point View have been studying about dinosaurs so the course was very interesting and educational for all students. Even I learned a little something about the difference between fossils and dinosaur bones!
Food of the Day: Vegemite Sandwich (YUCK!!!!), New Zealand Apricot Jam, Seedless Blackberry Jam and New Zealand Peanut Butter, Gaiety, Caramel Oaty slice and Karyn’s famous FUDGE!!!
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