These past few days have been tiring and intense. I met my overseas advisor and had a talk with the principal on Thursday. My overseas advisor walked in on me while I was teaching an art lesson on weaving with a different class-students that I did not know the names of!! So needless to say that took the edge off of things. He was extremely nice and did not take any observation notes. Haha. The lesson went well and the students were well behaved. He said he was impressed and would not come back until June 22nd for a formal observation! I also had the opportunity to teach a small group lesson in Maths. My teacher observed me during a lesson on adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers. It was a learning experience and my teacher gave me lots of feedback.
Thursday the teachers and I left school and went to lunch in town. When I told the teachers that in the US we can never just leave school for lunch-they were shocked. It is amazing how much freedom the teachers have here (But I guess with an hour lunch break it only makes sense to go out to eat). Another thing I found bizarre, is that students can go barefoot all day (the kids never wear shoes)!!! It is so weird, I had to catch my self today because it was cold and rainy and all I wanted to say was go put your shoes on before you catch pneumonia.
I can’t believe it is already the weekend and I have already finished two weeks of teaching in a different “World.” Time is flying. Everyday I see new teaching styles, I feel that the reason the teaching styles are so different is simply because in New Zealand they are not teaching to a test, and therefore, DO NOT have strict standards that they must meet. The teaching is more hands-on and a lot of ART!!! I am actually going to an art show with my teacher tonight. I am very excited because I must say art is my weakness. Hopefully, I can say differently when I get back to the states in August.
Overall everything is going great. I had a nice outing with a young girl in her 20’s who works for Grant’s Tourism Business. It was nice to get away from children for a little while. I am looking forward to the weekend and am going to try to take it easy. It is getting a bit colder here and very rainy, it is beginning to look a lot like winter. I hope to stay warm and do some planning this weekend because starting on Monday I am teaching a lot more!
Food of the Day: Mince Pie, Cookie Time Cookie and Cadbury Crunchies (I love their chocolate and the cadbury is amazing!!!)
P.S. I went to McDonald's today and the burgers taste so different!
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